Healthcare Marketing Agency
Marketing Medical Marketing, Think Like a Patient

The business of Medical Marketing A private medical practice is a business just like any other. The offerings of a medical business are highly educated and beneficial, but they are a product that must be showcased none the less. As a doctor you should have an understanding of what you are best at treating and […]

Posted on January 22 2015
Marketing Medical Marketing Resources

Medical Marketing Articles has recently launched a resource blog for all things Medical Marketing related. We were honored to be requested to be one on the first agencies showcased. An article called, “The Search Terms Your Practice Website Should Be Targeting” was written by one of our experienced staff members. The article focuses on […]

Posted on December 5 2014
Marketing Medical Marketing Digital “TouchPoints”

The conversation always start the same, ‘I don’t like Yelp’ or ‘Those bad reviews are fake anyway’.  Seemingly every doctor or medical practitioner we speak with has the same lament about the perception of their online persona. To them the idea of Medical Reputation Management isn’t foreign but more so restricted to the confines of […]

Posted on February 8 2013

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